Participating Horsemen Hotel Information
Participants will book reservations directly with the Breeders' Cup! The websites below are just for you to view the properties.Breeders' Cup World Championships
October 31 and November 1 at Del Mar, CA
Mandatory Thursday, Friday, and Saturday stay in the Breeders' Cup Hotel Block.
To request accommodations please call (859) 422-2675 or email hotels@breederscup.com.
Breeders' Cup World
Owners/Trainers/Jockeys/Breeders ONLY
For more information, please reach out to
Breeders’ Cup Racing Office at (859) 514-9422
or email: hotels@breederscup.com
Breeders’ Cup Limited has blocked a limited number of rooms at hotels in Del Mar/San Diego area to accommodate the connections of Breeders' Cup World Championship runners. All accommodations are first come, first serve. So that we may accommodate your needs, please make your reservations ASAP. Please provide arrival and departure dates. Hotels will charge credit cards for no shows and late arrivals and/or early departures within our 3 day mandatory stay period. Please make any changes for your reservation, including cancellations, directly with the Breeders’ Cup Racing Office. We encourage you to book in advance. Reservations may be cancelled up to October 25th with no penalty.
NOTE: If for any reason your horse doesn't pre-enter or is withdrawn from the Championships, any reservations you have requested may be cancelled if Breeders' Cup needs the room for other Championship participants. You will be notified if this becomes necessary.
Participating owners will receive a $1,500 hotel credit when booking with us at one of these properties.
Should you have any questions or are interested in upgraded room options or other properties please call (859) 422-2675 or email hotels@breederscup.com.